Scientists have developed a new statistical method based on the sequence of complete human genomes today to elucidate the events that took place at the dawn of human history.

The DNA of a caveman virus that lived 1.5 million years ago could block the X chromosome, increasing the male sex ratio in the fetus.

The Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources has just announced a new scorpion found in Dien Bien.

The US scientists have discovered the ability to reproduce monoculture of the female of the python species growing in the Americas.

Tape drilling for sampling has started from August 15 and will end in early September.

You probably remember this legendary illustration in a biological textbook. Sex chromosome (chromosome) is a microscope, female is XX and male is XY.

According to Nucleic Acids Research magazine, in the human genome, the amount of encrypted information may be less than 20% of the previous rating.

Normally, the life span of a species depends heavily on its size and small organisms have a very short life cycle.

Concerning about dangerous amniocentesis may be a potential risk of miscarriage, a Hong Kong professor has developed a blood test for diagnosing prenatal genetic syndrome through

According to experts, if the sex of the child is difficult to identify due to developmental disorders, it is best for parents to wait, should not immediately operate to avoid