http://ttvn.vn/games/dung-nuoc-may-de-sinh-hoat-hang-ngay-nhung-ban-da-biet-mui-cua-chung-co-y-nghia-gi-chua- -7201685223459154.htm

The bodies of 10,000 snow geese were discovered in a lake filled with heavy metals and sulfuric acid near the copper mine in Montana, USA.

Contaminated water leads to the spread of diseases through drinking water that has become a top concern of nations. Human infectious diseases such as typhoid, dysentery, cholera,

People face many epidemics due to severe water pollution and extreme weather appear more and more dense.

On March 30, Japan 's Nuclear Administration (NRA) approved a plan to freeze the land around damaged reactors at Fukushima.

The poor have to use arsenic-contaminated water, while two decades ago, this substance has been known to cause cancer.

Cooking with charcoal is one of the leading threats to human health. Meanwhile, contaminated surface water is even more frightening than radioactive waste

Japan's Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), which operates the Fukushima nuclear power plant, on September 17, said it poured out into the Pacific a total of 1,130 tons of

This statement is in stark contrast to recent Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's statement that the Japanese government is controlling the problem of leaking radioactive water so that

The Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) said on September 5 that it detected a concentration of 650 becquerel per liter of groundwater near a tank that leaked water at the