• The whale is shallow in Australia

    The whale is shallow in Australia
    Australian lifeguards are using jet-powered amphibious vehicles, excavators and human power to save 194 whales and dolphins stuck on a beach.
  • Rescue whales in Australia

    Rescue whales in Australia
    Volunteers and lifeguards have to race against time to save the survivors, among nearly 200 whales and dolphins stranded on King, Australia on the third night.
  • Pink dolphin

    Pink dolphin
    A fishing boat owner in the saltwater lake Calcasieu, in the northern Gulf of Mexico - has snapped pictures of rare dolphins with red eyes and pink skin.
  • Dolphins are always awake and sleeping at the same time

    Dolphins are always awake and sleeping at the same time
    One study showed that dolphins may not sleep for many days continuously and remain alert. In fact, only half of their brains were active, while the other half rested.
  • Dolphins and whales work to save people

    Dolphins and whales work to save people
    Ronnie Dabal is fishing outside Puerto Princesa Bay (Philippines) on the afternoon of December 17 when a strong wind overturned his boat.
  • Bottled dolphin - great chef in the ocean

    Bottled dolphin - great chef in the ocean
    Australian and British experts say so after observing that the bottlenose dolphin in Spencer Bay (Australia) uses an incredibly skilled process to catch and meat the squid.
  • 200 dolphins drifted to the Philippine coast

    200 dolphins drifted to the Philippine coast
    The herd of dolphins caught in shallow waters in Manila Bay this morning was used by volunteers and lifeguards to use 20 boats to pull them back to deep waters.
  • Aquaculture dolphin and whale teeth

    Aquaculture dolphin and whale teeth
    New Zealand scientists have found a fossil belonging to a previously unknown dolphin species.
  • Animals and unreasonable things ... real

    Animals and unreasonable things ... real
    Dynamic dolphins when eating puffer fish, vampire ants suck their own blood ... are true irrational things in animals.
  • Squid and fish teething like humans

    Squid and fish teething like humans
    In the natural world there are some creatures that possess strange teeth. Most notably a popular North American fish and a deep-sea squid species that develop human-like teeth.