10 terrible disasters in human history have harmed not only people and possessions but also badly affected the environment for many years to come.

When seawater is continuously heated, scientists have observed events of coral bleaching at a greater and more frequent level. Ecologists worry that climate change can make corals

California governor Jerry Brown on January 6 announced a state of emergency after gas leaked in Los Angeles City for more than two months, leaving thousands of people evacuated.

Beijing and some areas near the Chinese factory are suffering from the air filled with toxic dust, rivers and lakes that are rich in green algae, filled with dead fish.

A strong earthquake shook Indonesia's island of Bali today, causing hundreds of panic-stricken people to flee high-rise buildings and 17 injured.

Japanese officials say unusually high radioactivity was discovered in Tokyo unrelated to the Fukushima I. nuclear power plant.

Two moderate intensity earthquakes occurred in Indonesia yesterday. There is no information about casualties and damage yet.