As the world population increases, people will face many problems with food, water and quality of life.
Earth's temperature is increasing because of the climate change process - that trend will create a lot of unwanted disasters for humans.
According to research published in Science Advances magazine, scientists show that ice flowing through sediments beneath the water is actually faster than rock layers on the
Global data from NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) said that the average temperature on earth in October increased to 0.98 degrees Celsius, much warmer than
A new study by British, Australian and American scientists shows that climate change negatively affects crops at a more serious level than previously estimated.
Ecosystem services from mangroves, although providing and supporting livelihoods worth at least $ 1.6 billion a year for coastal residents, are disappearing at a rapid rate,
A group of United Nations scientists on September 2 warned that humanity has pushed the Earth's climate system to the brink of danger and there is little time to act.
The US scientist said that the temperature of the ocean in the Pacific equator could affect global temperatures in each stage, contrary to skepticism about the global warming as
The world will face even more catastrophic warming than expected and if it does not change the trend of increasing greenhouse gas emissions.
In the next century green plants in the United States may have new spring leaves up to 17 days earlier than before global temperatures began to rise, according to a new study