Scientists study people with cardiac arrest, clinical death, then recover. This is the largest study ever on this topic.
After humans die, some genes inside the body continue to function strongly for about two days.
After the person breathes the last breath, the body begins the process of decomposition: the cells are broken down, the body hardens, the organs self-destroy ...
Whale corpses explode, how to tell liars, life after death, mysterious circles, fish on land ... are the most interesting news readers have seen in the past week.
According to Theguardian, human decay bodies after death are the foundation of a complex ecosystem.
In order to confirm a dead person, doctors must rely on many combined symptoms, according to the International Business Times.
What really happens to us after death? When a person stops breathing, the heart stops circulating blood, the doctors will conclude that the person is in a state
Researchers found many genes that can last up to four days after the body dies.