Let's look at the brain's capabilities that few people can expect.
The human brain is really a miracle and still carries with me countless hidden numbers that scientists want to decipher. For many, it seems that the brain is an endless library -
In our galaxy there are more than 24 extraterrestrial planets, potentially harboring life. That's not to mention the countless worlds that can reside in 100 billion other galaxies
One of the important things is that Uber does not allow to delete international payment card information from the account if no other card is entered instead.
Recently, assistant professor of physics Dejan Stojkovic and graduate student Anshul Saini conducted a study against the black hole hypothesis of scientist Stephen Hawking.
When it comes to making decisions about a problem, people with sufficient information often choose solutions that bring short-term satisfaction rather than long-term benefits.
New tests in which participants receive information about alcohol before and after tasting shows that alcohol will be perceived and evaluated differently if the drinker is given
You call a long distance call, no matter how far away, there is also a network operator
Research shows that roots of vegetables have collective intelligence, like honey bees and humans, that share information and solve problems together.
This Silicon Valley is the Skolkovo research center located near Moscow. Billionaire Viktor Vekselberg is one of the people selected to participate in the project.