Recent research has confirmed the extremely high concentration of toxins in the white shark's body. But the strange thing is they are all right.
The circles are shaped like bright oval ovals in the Mediterranean and Baltic seabeds, which are the result of non-vegetated bare patches of land between the seagrass fields.
By studying coral populations in response to the changing marine environment, scientists have drawn a wild picture 100 years later.
In late September, scientists from NOAA (American National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) conducted an expedition called Deep Search 2018.
It is estimated that every 70 thousand whales die each year. But then, their meat, fat and bone are the source of life for many other organisms.
We often know a lot about protected natural areas and help avoid human impact, but there are few documents that study similar conditions in the oceans.
Small marine animals such as sea urchins or parrot fish are helping to ensure ecological balance in coastal Caribean waters.
The sea between Darwin's islands and Wolf in Ecuador becomes the most concentrated place on Earth with more than 13,000 per km2.
The oceans of the world will have to undergo dramatic changes in biodiversity, even though the United Nations has achieved the goal of limiting global temperature rise below 2
This area of hydrothermal vents is located deep west of the North Atlantic, far from the solar energy that helps sustain life.