Scientists at the University of South Carolina in the US have found a way to turn ordinary cotton t-shirts into armor.

Using new materials, researchers at Stanford University have developed lithium batteries that are more secure than previous lithium-ion batteries.

Swedish researchers have created a costume that allows wearers to play music by touching it.

German scientists have successfully fabricated capable materials

GS Research Team. Yi Cui, of Stanford University, has successfully put carbon nanotubes (one billionths of a meter) into a dye.

Chinese researchers based on the dew drops on the surface of spider silk invented an artificial fiber that could absorb water in the air.

Mobile phones will be as thin as bank cards, and computer monitors can be rolled up like newspapers thanks to the birth of a new material.

According to Nature Materials on Feb. 14, US researchers have found a way to make plastic solar cells made of silicon fibers.

Some scientists argue that silver nanoparticles suspended in water create a flexible and flexible material - the main ingredient for creating invisible objects.

Scientists have successfully researched a new nanoscale lens that can capture super-high-resolution images that current technologies have not yet achieved.