In contrast to the American way of teaching math, the Russian Davydov math program begins with measuring and learning the rules of algebra before arithmetic.
What is the new method of teaching math specifically and what are the results of testing this new method in the US? Invite readers to part 3.
Algebra is an important discipline in mathematics, a step farther than arithmetic in the history of mathematics.
What exactly is algebra, is it really important as people often say no and why do many people find algebra a difficult subject?
Mathematicians have used the geometrical equations collected during wildlife research to predict the imminent scuffle between rival gangs with an accuracy of 99 %
The piece of wood engraved with the name of the Persian teacher shows that foreigners have come to live and work in Japan more than a thousand years ago.
Mathematicians who have just answered the eternal question of mankind are: Are we human beings alone in the universe?
Obviously, the circumference of the circle will increase or decrease in proportion to its diameter, but this relationship is further than that.
A professor at Oxford University, England, received a prize of $ 700,000 for successfully demonstrating the last theorem of Ferrmat, the equation that eroded the minds of many
As a complement to the Nobel Prize, since 2004, the $ 1 million Shaw award has been awarded for achievements in three areas of mathematics, life science - medicine and astronomy.