Life changes every day and every hour, but not all changes have a positive effect.
If you go back about 20 years ago, many young people today will really feel surprised by how you, or even ... your father used to entertain.
Which one is better: between one side is the modern technology of Chinese origin, the other is the Soviet Union of bronze
The state needs to invest in modern equipment, technology and highly qualified scientific forces to continue to discover the precious resources of the South China Sea.
Everyone knows it takes millions of years for people to evolve and stand upright. But modern technologies repel the achievements of that evolutionary process.
Modern technologies designed to bring with them the comfort of life in the future.
Many modern technologies can help people possess special abilities like superman in science fiction movies.
About 150 years ago, before modern medicine was born, the average life expectancy of people was about 40 years. For more than a century, modern medicine has doubled the average
The new technique will shrink the size of the dark-looking glasses, which are cumbersome, down the coin.