The sea water is obviously not blue. The blue of the ocean only reflects the depth, the components that make up the sea there and what is below the sea surface.
A British expedition has discovered more than a dozen Antarctic ocean craters in the area near the islands called the South Sandwich in the southern Atlantic Ocean.
People have discovered less than 5% of the ocean. This means that there are many mysteries on the deep and vast sea floor, which cannot be answered until now.
With an unusual, even somewhat bizarre appearance, many creatures choose the ocean floor as their home: Life is under great pressure, the water is cold and there is no sunlight ...
Japan seeks to extract gas from the sediment of methane hydrate beneath the seabed, also known as ice flames. This trial will be conducted in southwestern Tokyo, between the
Some researchers are concerned about the possibility that hundreds of radioactive waste can be found in the newly discovered ocean carrier, about 50 km from San Francisco, USA.