The Komsomolets submarine carried Soviet expectations to break all records, but it was this that pushed it over the limit, and then tragedy struck.

The reactors of the same type that caused the Chernobyl disaster are still in operation, though improved in quality and safety.

At the height of the Cold War in 1968, 144 Soviet sailors on the K-27 submarine sailed to the North Pole to collect information about the NATO base.

Euronews news network on November 15 reported the work of moving and

However, researcher Nikolaos Evangeliou said:

According to AFP, Prime Minister Noda will hold a press conference at 18:00 (local time) with the press and media of this country, to announce the closure of the Fukushima nuclear

AFP news agency on March 21 led the news that the French Nuclear Safety Agency (ASN) said radioactive contamination leaking from Japan's Fukushima I nuclear power plant will last