![[Photo] The change of facial expression nuances after drinking 1, 2 and 3 glasses of wine](https://scienceinfo.net/data3/thumbs_200x120/[photo]-the-change-of-facial-expression-nuances-after-drinking-1-2-and-3-glasses-of-wine_thumbs_200x120_0fSeh2w7V.jpg)
Do you know how the face will change in expressive ways after drinking 3 glasses of alcohol? This picture will be revealed to you.

A man walked into the pharmacy with a quick face and asked the drug salesman:

A thief in the middle of the night went to steal. After entering the house, he was extremely disappointed when he saw that the house was so poor.

At the end of the beautiful week, Tom and his wife invited each other to go fishing. Strangely, every time the fish catches big fish, Tom's wife insists on her husband dropping to

The two agreed to meet him at the brasserie you.

A man with a wife came to your house:

Getting married should abstain from taking a young wife, going to the street who knows you or your child ...

The wedding night, seeing the bride sitting sobbing, the groom comforted:

The two friends met, the other happily said:

Over a very long period of time, it was certain that there were other forced forced things. There are changes that have made our lives better, but there are also changes that make