In the Krasnoyarsk region, Russia, for the first time rice is sown by drones. Thanks to technology, it is possible to sow up to 150 hectares per day.

We are all too familiar with convenient plastic bottled water that we can carry with us. But the Russians used to have canned drinks that looked like cans of meat.

According to experts, it is not easy for an armored fighting vehicle like the BMPT to gain a foothold in the Russian army, which is full of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles.

Russian Krasnopol artillery shells have the advantage of stability, while American Excalibur shells help artillery reconnaissance to hide more safely.

A team at the National University of Technology Research (NUST MISiS) and colleagues have created new technology to impart antibacterial properties to nonwovens.

The new technology is based on a new absorber, which effectively concentrates radionuclides from various nuclear wastes and turns them into ceramics after a special heating method.

Photos taken of Yury Gagarin back to Earth after the space flight showed him only wearing a regular warm suit, so what happened?

While the US President has only one nuclear suitcase that allows the deployment of nuclear weapons, the Russian military has up to 3 nuclear suitcases. This difference intrigues

To test the protection of bulletproof helmets, YouTube channel

Russia's Soyuz rocket on November 24 took off from southern Kazakhstan, carrying the Prichal spacecraft docking module to the ISS.