Freckles can appear from a young age, individually, while melasma is often caused by aging, in patches of different sizes, colors, and depths.
In fact, our genetic genes are the same and everyone has dark skin when human ancestors first appeared in millions of years.
Imagine a day your lips disappear. How can you eat to survive?
Photo of orange crocodile in Hanahan City, South Carolina State - USA on 7-2 is making netizens extremely excited.
Human skin color is now the result of a long evolutionary process under the guidance of light from the Sun.
Black patches and rash appear in the nape, maybe you have diabetes or signs of stomach cancer, liver.
Previous studies have shown that stress affects skin pigmentation. A new study in the United States also found stress also affects hair pigmentation.
Moles have two asymmetrical halves, irregular, colorful and large diameter ... warning a malignant tumor.