A lead-heavy exoplanet, possibly the leftover core of a giant sphere that flew too close to its sun, has just been discovered.
The planet currently holds the record for the largest and lightest ever found.
HD 164922 has up to three planets with characteristics of the planets in the Solar System, but their properties are disturbed in the style of that beard and his chin.
Humans have found a form of planet that has never been observed before and nicknamed 'Superhuman Neptune', according to Science News quoted expert James Jenkins as presenting at
Reviewing the legacy of NASA's planetary hunter Kepler with new algorithms, scientists found 18 buried Earth-sized planets at the same time.
The latest simulation of scientists has shown that Jupiter's rock core is liquefied, melting and mixing with other components in the core. With this new data, astronomers hope to
The Hubble Space Telescope of NASA discovered the strange planet WASP-12b is almost completely black, because it absorbs 94% of the light shining on the surface.
It is the largest, dense, smallest, closest to earth, the planet has hail, many sunsets, the hottest, the oldest ...
Astronomers discovered a new planet about 125 light-years from Earth to four Suns.
Astronomers have found signals that there is water in the air of five distant planets.