After suspecting that Tamiflu had no effect on flu prevention, the UK's leading medical magazine, BMJ, asked Roche's drug manufacturer to publish data about the drug publicly.

The Government Inspectorate has just concluded the inspection project of A / H5N1 influenza prevention and control project of the Ministry of Health. This conclusion shows that

Expected early next year, anti-virus drugs H1N1, H5N1, SARS produced by Vietnam will be available on the market, lower prices Tamiflu 4 - 5 times.

Ho Chi Minh City Institute of Computational Science and Technology has just announced the discovery of six new compounds resistant to influenza A / H1N1 virus better than Tamiflu.

Treatment of patients with H1N1 influenza has agreed that there is no need to wait for new tests to treat with Tamiflu, but this error in district hospitals still suffers ...

California health officials also said this year's flu season is more complicated than in previous seasons due to widespread flu.

A 4-year-old patient in Shanghai, the only case of health recovery after determining infection with influenza virus H7N9 treated with Tamiflu, a drug to prevent influenza A

Japanese scientists have just confirmed, the Japanese government has officially approved the anti-influenza drug produced by the country itself called CS-8958 (laninamivir).