Infectious disease and bio-protection specialists have designed blood purification machines, which have fine fibers that retain viruses and remove them from the patient's blood.

The technique of controlling nerve cells by light not only helps people with spinal injury to move limbs, but also can treat many other diseases.

According to PrEP method of BS. Marcus Conant (USA), John took one tablet a day, basically reducing the risk of HIV infection without condoms when having sex.

American scientists have created pigs capable of developing cystic fibrosis similar to humans and hope this is a step to speed up the process of treating the disease.

A small study by McMaster University scientists showed that video games can make drug therapy more effective for younger patients.

Patients with breast cancer may be effectively treated with a TomoDirect device manufactured by VUB University (Belgium).

A new study by Australian scientists has revealed that essential oils extracted from tea plants can treat benign skin cancer.

Scientists at the University of Dublin (Ireland) and the University of Siena (Italy) have successfully researched a new chemical compound PBOX-15 to help treat blood cancer.

Scientists in the UK have completed the complete genetic map of the two most common lung and skin cancers.

Scientists have discovered that the combination of drugs in the treatment of breast cancer destroys melanoma in less time.