Blood usually doesn't provide enough nutrients for a real organism to exist like a Dracula vampire, except for one species, thanks to 13 genes.
With people in Peru and Belize, they are so familiar with bats that are dubbed vampires: demon bats.
In the story of the legendary Count Dracula there is always a piece of medicine that turns into a bat, flies to the bed of beautiful girls sleeping and sucking on their blood.
A man died and more than 40 people were hospitalized to treat rabies in northeast Brazil after being attacked by vampire bats, the Daily Mail reported.
Researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that the Amazon vampire bat could resist rabies virus that kills more than 55,000 people worldwide. each
By analyzing genetics and expression of heat-sensing organs (receptors) in the nose of fruit bats and vampire bats, researchers discovered heat receptors of vampire bats in the
Their surprising similarity to the mysterious monsters in human history ...