Talk with Sony handhelds

PlayStation owners (PSP) owners will soon be talking and meeting via video by connecting to the Internet wirelessly.

Using dedicated camera and microphone, players can call other PSP users and a BT phone number. BT software developers and PSP owners will soon be able to call personal computers, fixed phones and mobile phones.

Initially, the service was provided only in BT families or wireless connection points in the UK. There are about 12,000 points at airports, railway stations, hotels and fast food restaurants. BT announced that the software will soon be distributed to telecommunications companies in 100 countries.

Internet calling (VoIP) trend service on mobile devices. With this method, people can talk on personal computers. Now more and more handsets have Wifi functionality and companies are racing to offer VoIP calling packages.

Picture 1 of Talk with Sony handhelds

BT company introduces service on PSP

Details of the BT service will be announced at the August Leipzig Games Conference, while Sony's camera and microphone for the PSP will be released to the UK today.

More than 24 million PSPs have been sold worldwide, of which more than 8 million are in the European market.

In fact, BT service is not the first VoIP application for handheld devices. In 2005, Japanese game company Nintendo announced that the DSpeak application for mobile DS players was as expensive as hot cakes so that users could call VoIP.

When the user talks, a character, such as Mario, will appear on the screen, correct what he said and in his own voice. However, this application was never commercialized. Now, Nintendo sells handheld devices that allow gamers to chat while playing.
