Sony Spyware disclosure tool

Picture 1 of Sony Spyware disclosure tool A computer expert has just warned that the tool Sony has launched to "reveal" Sony's music CD protection software, may break the computer system and damage data.

Mark Russinovich, the first person to discover Sony's spyware protection for music CDs, was also the one who discovered the patch to deal with Sony's public opinion that adversely affected the user's computer.

Mark Russinovich, now director of software design at Winternals Software, said that "the spyware detection tool that protects music CDs, which Sony had to press , sometimes caused system crashes and The usual manifestation is the blue screen and the Windows white text warnings that Window users are most afraid of. '

Russinovich said that "Sony's self-disclosure tool may erase some dirver in the Windows Registry and Windows I / O system will not be able to download drivers during system startup, and results. is Windows will be disabled '.

There is a growing number of complaints about Sony's method of keeping the software from strange spyware. The vast majority of new anti-spyware security tools and virus scanners are currently unable to detect spyware on Sony's music CD protection. Experts have come up with a more effective method to combat this tool and users can do the following: Run Run command in Windows Start menu -> type in command line sc delete $ sys $ aries -> restart the machine .

HOANG KIM ANH (According to TechWeb News)