Tea and coffee help prevent brain cancer

Studies published in the October issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition report that tea and coffee may help you reduce the risk of developing glioma.

This conclusion is based on data analysis related to the eating habits of more than 410,000 men and women between the ages of 25 and 70. Participants in the study came from France, Sweden, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, England, Greece, Denmark, Norway, and Germany.

Volunteers were recruited between 1991 and 2000 and were followed for about 8.5 years. During that time, food surveys were conducted, including assessing the amount of tea and coffee that each volunteer consumed.

Picture 1 of Tea and coffee help prevent brain cancer
Tea and coffee will help you prevent brain cancer. (Photo: internet).

The findings suggest that coffee and tea can protect against brain cancer , especially in the form of glioma, a central nervous system cancer that originates in the brain or spinal cord. .

The team found that drinking 100 ml (or 0.4 cup) daily could lower the risk of glioma up to 34%.

Dr John S. Yu , director of the Los Angeles Brain Center, said: ' If we have a drug for any kind of disease that can reduce the risk of disease by 34%, it could be considered as a great medicine. That is a very high level of risk reduction . '

John S. Yu also said that more research is needed to confirm the direct effects of tea and coffee on humans.