Technology 'replace the bridge super fast'

Canada's Dufferin Construction Bridge and Road Construction Company has successfully applied the technology of "replacing the super-fast bridge" with the total time to replace the old bridge with a newly built bridge, which only takes approximately 17 hours. This is the first time a Canadian road and bridge construction company has successfully applied this technology.

At 13:00 on August 12, under the supervision of road and bridge experts and the witness of thousands of people in the capital Ottawa, the Island Park bridge on Queensway highway was officially opened again. after 16 hours 50 minutes pause to change.

The engineer in charge of construction, Mr. Frank Vanderlaan, said the whole process of bridge replacement was done in one night with the participation of nearly 100 workers, almost without any technical problems. Any and the smallest details. The engineers used super heavy lifting devices to remove the entire support of the old bridge, weighed about 650 tons, and replaced with a new assembled rig.

Picture 1 of Technology 'replace the bridge super fast'

The Island Park Bridge was reopened after only 16 hours and 50 minutes to stop changing.(Photo: Ottawa Citizen)

According to Mr. Vanderlaan, with the implementation of the technology of " changing the bridge super fast ", Dufferin Construction not only greatly reduces the construction time of the bridge but also helps save 2.4 million Canadian dollars for the activities arise.

According to Canadian road and bridge industry regulations, bridges in this country can only be used for up to 50 years. Currently, many bridges in this North American country have had " life expectancy " roughly the limit, so the need to replace bridges is urgent. Therefore, the successful application of technology "to replace super-fast bridges " will open up many hopes for the road and bridge industry.