The 'monitor' tag prevents the chat staff

Organizational leaders are now more likely to monitor whether their employees are eager to work with new technology.

The electronics manufacturer Hitachi invented a high-tech ID badge that not only accurately tracks the location of an employee in the office but also knows who the employee was talking to, for how long. and how it works.

Picture 1 of The 'monitor' tag prevents the chat staff
Managers can easily track their employees with the Business Microscope

Named as the Business Microscope , the device will also send specific information about the time spent by each employee leaving their seat, the time they wandered around. The office is for chatting, defaming friends, and even telling how much time they spend in the restroom.

"The microscope uses sensor technology in sensors to measure and analyze the wearer's communication and activity," a statement posted on the Hitachi website said . Sensors are mounted on the card at a specific distance, they will recognize each other, and simultaneously record data on meeting time and behavior of the wearers to the server. '

Hitachi technology is created to enhance efficiency at work. Hitachi says it expects the device to boost labor cooperation.