Boundaries in materials science and sensor technology are being pushed by research that combines levitation, insulation and real-time feedback.

Super classic match of boxing world as well as sports village in general between Mayweather and Pacquiao just took place on Sunday last.

It sounds like a product of human imagination, but American scientists claim to have created cells

Self-propelled vehicle technology promises to bring people safety, comfort and personalization. Currently, there are many cars equipped with auto technologies such as garage

Organizational leaders are now more likely to monitor whether their employees are eager to work with new technology.

Libelium has announced a new sensor technology that detects any Wi-Fi and Bluetooth signals from users' mobile devices, thus helping to calculate the number of pedestrians

Irisys, UK, conducted initial testing of hand washing monitoring (using infrared sensor) monitoring systems at the NHS trust Institute in London, where health workers would have to

Researchers working at the University of Cincinnati, USA have developed a sensor that provides quick feedback regarding the presence and concentration of heavy metals, especially