The 2008 Olympic Games will use the open source platform

Picture 1 of The 2008 Olympic Games will use the open source platform Security issues and the risk of downtime in the Olympics make people afraid to change existing technology systems, but this may change at the next three years Beijing sports event.

Claude Philipps, Program Manager of the French firm Atos Origin, said: "The deployment of open code is gradually being approved by Beijing Organizing Committee (BOCOG) to reduce the cost of buying copyright. and registration license ".

Security is also the reason why wireless networks are banned in many previous sports conferences. " There will not be any wireless technology at the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin (Italy) next year but it will be equipped in the Chinese capital. The open code and wireless system were more stable then. and we will use Cisco's control network , "said Massimo Dossetto, a security expert for the Olympic event. " In addition, we need to find ways to maximize investment costs for the large amount of equipment supported in the event ."

The Olympic technology system will be managed by more than 1,200 members, including 800 volunteers, responsible for controlling servers running on Intel and Unix box processors, 4,700 computers and 700 machines. print.