The 4-year-old boy has an IQ of Einstein genius

Achieving IQ 160, the 4-year-old Sherwyn Sarabi in England is currently compared with Albert Einstein, Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking. Well known for his intellect, he is now a member of the Mensa organization of the world's highest IQ.

4-year-old has achieved only IQ 160 score is the latest achievement in a series of Sherwyn's great achievements. Before that, when he was 10 months old, Sherwyn said the first words. For 20 months, she can say complete sentences and since then constantly surprises her parents, teachers and doctors.

Picture 1 of The 4-year-old boy has an IQ of Einstein genius
Psychologists who tested Sherwyn said his IQ showed that he had a "very high level of intelligence". (Photo:

Now, at the age of four, Sherwyn is the intellectual equivalent of eight years and nine months old - twice his actual age - and is studying at that age.

Dr. Peter Congdon, Ph.D., said: "Sherwyn has a very high level of intelligence , extremely talented and excellent vocabulary. His intelligence reaches the highest possible level and when talking. For you, I have the social skills of a much older child. "

He added: "It is really unusual for a child to have this kind of intelligence, I am always at the top of the tests. I specialize in researching gifted children but when I tested Sherwyn, I know I've met something very special. "

While most 4-year-olds have not yet started school, Sherwyn has studied the program for 8, 9-year-old students at the Rastrick School.

Picture 2 of The 4-year-old boy has an IQ of Einstein genius

Sherwyn's mother, Amanda Sarabi, 37, a former teacher, said: "I am a very healthy child who is very happy and loves to talk. I ask everything for everything and I have done it all. my strength to answer your question with my understanding '.

She added: "My general knowledge is shocking to a 4-year-old child - I think it's because of all the questions I kept asking throughout the day."

Sherwyn is the only child of the couple Amanda Sarabi. She has read more than 940 books and her mother said, ' Her favorite book is an encyclopedia because she is passionate about learning new things'.

Sherwyn's achievement

Ten months: Sherwyn says his first word.

20 months: I know the complete sentence.

Two years old: Sherwyn became famous after learning how to identify all countries in the world. She can also read up to 500 words, describing all of their body parts and functions, counting to 200, identifying volcanic shapes and explanations and meteorites.

Three-year-old: is a member of Mensa (the world's highest IQ IQ club) and starts school

Four years old: Sherwyn achieved an IQ of 160, the IQ of the scientist Albert Einstein, Microsoft founder Bill Gates and physicist Stephen Hawking.