The amount of PC usage reached 1 billion by the end of next year

Forrester Research said that the number of PCs used globally will reach 1 billion by the end of 2008. That means it took 27 years for the world to achieve this result.

However, the market research firm predicts that the world will only need 5 years to add 1 billion more to the results of 27 years.

Forrester Research's 2015 Global PC Prediction Report predicts that the first PC consumers in the next 1 billion PC rotation will be the first to use the PC. It could be people living in countries like Brazil, Russia, India or China. It is expected that by 2015 these countries will consume a total of about 775 million new PC products.

Picture 1 of The amount of PC usage reached 1 billion by the end of next year More and more people have access to PCs that not only benefit the users themselves, but also the global PC industry. The source of revenue from the business of replacing products for existing PC systems is still not possible with the revenue from the new PC product business.

But PC makers will also face many difficulties when entering new markets. With developed markets they can predict the PC consumption cycle. But this is a completely impossible thing to do with new markets.

In addition, the number of new consumer PCs in the coming years is likely to be the product of one Laptop Per Child project or Microsoft's Unlimited Potential initiative or some other brands - cheap PC ideas for users.

Hoang Dung