The amount of greenhouse gas emissions reaches a record level

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said that over the past year, greenhouse gas emissions have reached record levels, especially carbon dioxide and methane, while the Earth is constantly heating up.

Picture 1 of The amount of greenhouse gas emissions reaches a record level
Human activities have significantly increased greenhouse gas emissions.

According to the latest WMO figures, CO 2 and methane levels have increased significantly in 2009.

Before 1750, the content of CO2 in the atmosphere did not change. However, since then, this gas content has increased by 38%, mainly due to the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation and changes in land use.

Over the past 10 years, these activities have increased rapidly with an average increase in CO 2 concentration of 1.88% per year.

Regarding methane, the second largest greenhouse gas, this gas content in the atmosphere has also increased by 158%, mainly due to human activities such as cattle raising, rice cultivation, and exploitation. Fossil fuels and waste dumps.

According to WMO Jeremiah Lengoasa 's deputy secretary general, the greenhouse gas emissions have reached unprecedented levels since pre-industrial times. The concentration of these gases is still increasing despite the 'slowing economy'.