The baby was born with a sharp skull like a hat

Kayla Reeder, a maternity and newborn specialist in Florida, USA shared a picture on the Daily Mail a newborn baby born with a pointed skull like a hat.

Graham, the son of Nikki and Chris, was born on February 14. What is special is that Graham was born with an unusually distorted head.

Kayla shares because the skull is distorted, so his mother is quite difficult to labor. The baby's head tilted to one side without being in the middle, so Nikki had to push harder.

On the day of labor, Nikki calmly drove to the hospital to give birth. When she arrived, her door opened 9cm. She listened to hymns and prayed with her husband.

Picture 1 of The baby was born with a sharp skull like a hat
The black-and-white image shows Graham's head looking like an irregular hat after getting out of the womb.(Photo: Kayla Reeder).

'Graham finally entered the world! It's a beautiful boy, ' Kayla said. Nikki made a skin-to-skin method for his child, Chris also bathed his young son himself.

Kayla added that this is normal, the boy has no injuries or malformations. Just a few days after birth, the baby's skull became more rounded and returned to shape often seen in many other babies.

The infant's skull is not round and closed, but many are connected by soft tissue. These soft spots are called fontanel . Usually each baby has 2 fontanel, about 2cm long, lying in front and back. The front is the gap between the frontal bone and the top of the head bone. The posterior capillary is the gap between the head bone and occipital bone.

These fontans are very important when a baby is born. They will make the skull 'elastic' easier to pass through the mother's vagina. Medication also partly helps children to reduce headaches when falling later.

The capillary will automatically close to the child's gas. The fontanel in the back closes after 2-3 months, and the frontal fontanel remains open until the child is about 18 months old.