The beautiful volcanic landscape shot by the drone

Thanks to this modern and safe tool, scientists can fully explore volcanic activity in order to give warnings to local people before disaster strikes.

Not only is the intense heat coming from a volcanic eruption, toxic gas is also the reason why the study of volcanic activities is difficult.

Picture 1 of The beautiful volcanic landscape shot by the drone
The beautiful volcanic landscape is recorded by the drone.(Photo: YouTube).

However, scientists from the University of Cambridge have recently been able to return to beautiful moments from a volcanic eruption in Guatemala, thanks to drone - drone equipment.

In order to get close-up footage, the scientists controlled the drone with fixed wings to fly over the peaks of Volcan de Fuego and Volcan de Pacaya volcano in Guatemala City.

In the future, scientists can use this modern and safe tool to better understand volcanic activity, and predict eruptions, to warn local people about to evacuate. before the disaster.

Volcanic eruptions in Guatemala Scientists from Cambridge University have filmed a beautiful eruption volcano in Guatemala thanks to drone devices.