The biggest virus in the world is exposed

The largest human virus ever discovered was isolated from water in the Chilean sea.

The largest human virus ever discovered was isolated from water in the Chilean sea.

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The BBC reported that scientists from Aix-Marseille University in France discovered the virus in the waters near Las Cruces city in central Chile.

Picture 1 of The biggest virus in the world is exposed

Micro fibers outside the shell
The super virus appears under a microscope. (Photo: BBC)

Megavirus chilensis , the name of the super virus, has a diameter of up to 0.7 micrometers (7,000 mm). Its body length is 10 to 20 times that of regular virus strains.

'You can see it with a normal microscope, not an electron microscope,' said Professor Jean-Michel Claverie, a scientist at the University of Aix-Marseille.

Viruses are unable to replicate themselves. They must invade another cell if they want to multiply.

Super virus has many microscopic fibers outside its shell. Researchers believe that tiny fibers help super viruses fool amoeba, a kind of unicellular organism that hunts bacteria. Because bacteria also have microscopic fibers like super viruses, amoeba rushes to catch and be destroyed by the super virus. After entering the amoeba, the virus replicates itself and continues to attack other amoeba.

Professor Claverie said that he and his colleagues are applying a completely new virus search method.

'Previously we only detected viruses after they caused illness in people, animals or plants. But now we just need to go to lakes, seas, oceans and get water. Then we filter the water and isolate the virus , 'Professor Claverie said.

Update 14 December 2018



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