The Chinese space station is about to fall to Europe, which countries are affected?

China's Thien Cung-1 (Tiangong-1) space station weighs 8.5 tons and may fall to Europe in the next few months as warned by experts.

Picture 1 of The Chinese space station is about to fall to Europe, which countries are affected? Thien Cung-1 station is expected to fall to Earth in the next few months.(Photo: Getty).

Thien Cung-1 station has been out of control since March 2016 and is expected to return to Earth's atmosphere in early 2018. Forecasts predict this huge scrap of iron will fall some countries in the European region - including Spain, Portugal, Italy, Bulgaria and Greece.

The European Space Agency (ESA) is leading a campaign to track potential stabbing positions once Thien Cung-1 returns to Earth. According to Holger Krag, ESM's director of space fragments, this work will surely crumble around mid-January - March 2018.

"There are no debris falling over any point further than 43 degrees north or 43 degrees south. The space station will return to Earth at any point between these latitudes, including "Some European countries. The date and time and geographic traces of this return can only be predicted but uncertain."

In early November, Jonathan McDowell, astrophysicist at Harvard University warned that the orbit of Thien Cung-1 was damaged. Its current point is below 300km and in the dense atmosphere, the rate of damage will be higher.

He said: 'I predict it will fall in the next few months - late 2017 or early 2018'.

Mr. McDowell added that a small change in atmospheric conditions could change Thien Cung-1's landing position from one continent to another.

However, Chinese officials insist that the Thien Cung-1 station fragment will pose little threat to people or property.

Mr. Wu Ping at China's Space Engineer Office, said: 'Based on our calculations and analysis, most of the aerial lab fragments will burn down during the fall process. China always upholds the management of space debris, conducts research and tests to clean up and minimize debris'.