The departure of the Eskimos.

Picture 1 of The departure of the Eskimos.

Family of Eskimos people

How to rumble Canadian cavalry in Tikiujar about 950km, there are very small Eskimos tribes. Jo Laxiner was a frequent visitor and was very friendly with this tribe. In December 1931, Jo Laxiner visited this tribe, he felt very strange, and in the middle of the day, all the people were silent. Previously, every time he came, he heard loud dogs barking, then the children from wooden houses rushed to gather for him. But this time, a silent and frightening atmosphere enveloped the whole tribe, without the barking of dogs, nor the noisy laughter of children, without a shadow, the whole tribe as a dead zone.

Surprised Jo Lxiner looked at the door of a wooden house calling out: "Is there anyone in the house? Is anyone in the house? I'm Jo Laxiner." All were silent, without a sound. What happened to the land? Where do people go? Why go? Why is it weird like this?

Picture 2 of The departure of the Eskimos.

The Eskimos catch fish

Jo Lineriner shivered in fear and felt very strange to understand. He went into a small house, found on the kitchen also put the rice cooker, like before cooking, the food in the pot was frozen. In another small room, a children's shirt made of leather was thrown on the floor without anyone cleaning it. Besides this tribe has a large lake, Eskimos people often swim on 3 small boats to catch fish, so far these 3 boats are also abandoned by the river. The thing that surprised people was not only that, for the Eskimos who hunted, they couldn't help but bring guns, but they left the guns. Just like guns, dogs regarded by Eskimos as precious are even considered a family member, every day as if they were half-step apart. But the scene that Jo Laxiner saw was pitiful: The dogs were tied to the tree about 200 meters away from the house, all starved to death.

Picture 3 of The departure of the Eskimos. What kind of disaster happened that made the Eskimos tribe from the young and young more than 40 people in a cold winter night to leave all clothes, food, pots, guns and both dear dogs . quietly gone?

All officers and soldiers rumored cavalry rushed to search, nothing revealed the direction, no trace of the Eskimos' departure. Where did they go? Until now, the Eskimos have not returned to their homeland. Their houses and fields are still left alone in the deserted areas, and the whole area covers an air of fear and mystery.