The discovery of animal fossils dating to 42 million years in Brazil

Brazilian scientists have discovered fossils of animals that lived between 42 and 39 million years ago in Curitiba, in the southern state of Parana.

Picture 1 of The discovery of animal fossils dating to 42 million years in Brazil
This is the first time that animal fossils have been found in this part of Brazil.

According to information published by the Federal University of Parana (UFPR), the fossil samples were found in a land area of ​​about 16ha, surrounded by residential areas and near a hospital waste area. This is the first time that animal fossils have been found in this part of Brazil.

Fossil specimens of extinct animals, characterized by a number of species such as Tatu (Dasypodidae), sloths, anteater, crocodile, marsupials and ungulates (horse family).

Meanwhile, some other fossils are associated with sci-fi animals, such as "raptors" with long and sharp beaks, flightless and up to 2m high.

In addition, the researchers found fossils of three species of creatures that do not have any resemblance to today's organisms, called Sparassodonte . They are carnivorous predators, with sharp molars and large fangs, some of them as large as a leopard.

Scientists hope to find more animal fossils in this area.