The dream of using a finger to replace a computer mouse has come true

Your hand not only turns into an electronic mouse but can also write text right on your computer thanks to evoMouse.

Picture 1 of The dream of using a finger to replace a computer mouse has come true

Picture 2 of The dream of using a finger to replace a computer mouse has come true

Today, the presence of computer mice is getting less and less due to the appearance of touchpads on laptops and smart phones' touch screens. Therefore, a design company called Celluon decided to create a new tool that promised, would "death" the computer mouse permanently. Funny, the name of the tool also means 'mouse': evoMouse.

When you place this mouse - so-called - on the table, it automatically captures the image of your hand and turns each finger gesture into an order to control the cursor on the screen. In other words, now your own hand is a computer mouse. The handy point of this mouse is that it is only as small as the normal computer mouse currently and very light. In addition, you can connect it to your computer via USB or Bluetooth wireless network.

The mouse is also integrated with the function of automatically recognizing handwriting through finger movements. This means it can turn your finger into an electronic pen. Currently, the launch date and price of this smart evoMouse is still not fixed.