'Magical mouse' will make 'extinct' mouse

Perhaps, the problem of carpal tunnel strain is about to become the past. If the new computer mouse model is accepted by major distributors, all of them will be able to point their finger directly at the computer screen each time they use it instead of having to move the mouse on the table.

Thanks to Chris Banker, Mike Cretella, Jeff DiMaria, Jamie Mitchell, Jeff Tucker - members of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts (USA), the birth of the 'magic mouse' (Magic Mouse) will put a dot End for 40-year history of desktop mouse.

This new mouse has won one of the first prizes of Popsci Invention Awards 2007 and indeed the experts behind the product deserve this award. The operating principle of this mouse is as follows: the mouse's circle emits the series of ultrasonic pulses, the 5 receivers mounted in the display will 'catch' these pulses. Based on the time that each receiver hears the pulse series, a processor calculates its position in 3 dimensions with 5 points and moves up to the position of the cursor on the screen.

Picture 1 of 'Magical mouse' will make 'extinct' mouse

Just like Nintendo's Wiimote controller, the process of exchanging information between two components of the mouse takes place very fast, 100 times per second, making it possible to turn the activity of the hand into the movement of the cursor on the screen. images take place immediately.

Picture 2 of 'Magical mouse' will make 'extinct' mouse

According to Popsci.com, students have not yet thoroughly considered this invention, but not that they do not have the idea of ​​improving quality. Cretella was keen to add gesture recognition, King said they could shrink the ring by replacing its speaker with a small, vibrating device. Cretella also came up with the idea that this mouse should be like a normal ring.

Maybe Wow Pen Eco's "mouse to prevent damage" introduced last week will be a new revolution to the history of the desktop mouse, but can be sure that this 'magic mouse' product promises to be more promising.

Nguyen Nam