The Earth's climate will get cold

Despite impressive impressions proving the level of ice melting in the Arctic Ocean published, astronomers in Saint-Petesbourg (Russia) claim that in the next few decades, the Earth will not go through the period. the climate is hotter and will reach the period of global cold weather

Despite impressive impressions proving the level of ice melting in the Arctic Ocean published, astronomers in Saint-Petesbourg (Russia) claim that in the next few decades, the Earth will not go through the period. the climate is warming and it will reach the global cold.

Picture 1 of The Earth's climate will get cold
Mr. Khabiboulla Abdoussamatov led the field of space research at the Poulkovo Astronomical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences, confirming that half of the glacier recorded in the 17th century will repeat. During this period, overall temperature reduction was observed in Europe, North America and Greenland. The Thames and Dutch channels covered ice and residents in some Greenland cities were forced to relocate due to cold.

Astronomer Abdoussamatov and his colleagues have relied on changes in the Sun activity observed every 11 years and every century. According to scientists, in the 20th century, the Sun increased its energy to the maximum, then began to reduce activity. In 2012, the average annual temperature will decrease on the surface of the Earth. The cold global phenomenon will take place from 2055 to 2060.

Astronomers' predictions at the Poulkovo Observatory will be checked by new equipment that will be placed on the ISS Station in 2007. But scientists are confident that, from today, the Kyoto decree will It is no longer necessary because global temperatures will decrease without restricting greenhouse gases in industrial countries. The Arctic ice will of course not melt.


Update 16 December 2018



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