The engine is 'fevered' - solutions

This is one

This is one of the dangerous " diseases ", even destroying the engine if not handled promptly. There are simple cases that can be fixed on the spot, but there are also incidents where the owner is not allowed to risk his hand. In this article we refer to the causes of the hot phenomenon for reference readers.

The causes of heating up when the engine is operating

The reason for adjusting the technical parameters is not correct:

- For gasoline engines: The timing of ignition and the ratio of gas mixtures play a decisive role in engine power. The gasoline engine's fuel system has the function of adjusting the air-to-air ratio to get the optimal mixed gas for every different working mode of the engine. Normally to completely burn 1 gram of gasoline requires 15 grams of air, we have a ratio of 1/15. Mixed gas with a ratio of 1/13 is called bold and 1/17 is poor. So for the engine to operate optimally, the ignition time and the ratio of the gas mixture must be adjusted according to the manufacturer's technical requirements. Except EFI electronic fuel injection, the ratio of gasoline to air is always adjusted to the optimal ratio depending on operating conditions.

- With car using carburetor, due to improper adjustment of technical requirements of vehicle operation modes such as no-load mode, acceleration mode, . so the mixture is too dark or too light to damage Engine power causes the phenomenon of hot air.

- For vehicles using electronic fuel injection system, it may be due to clogging the nozzle, damage to the pressure regulator, damage to the sensor, and the plugs of petrol pipes are open, making the amount of fuel sprayed without the flow and Spray pressure causes hot air phenomenon.

- With Diesel engine, the adjustment of the high pressure pump (in terms of injection time and injection flow) also causes the phenomenon of hot and black smoke.

Operational causes used:

Picture 1 of The engine is 'fevered' - solutions
- Lubrication system used improperly of lubricating oil, lacking of lubricating oil or aging lubricant so it greatly affects the duty of the lubrication system.

- For overloaded vehicles, when climbing a slope, it often causes water in the "hot" boiling water cooling system. Pay attention to this cause because if the overloaded vehicle not only affects the cooling system but also causes damage in many other parts. When the case of boiling water must stop the car but not turn off the engine but must run ralangti about 10 minutes to turn off the engine.

- Damaged cooling system: The cooling system is equipped with a car to perform fast heat transfer from flammable gas to coolant to ensure the details have the optimal thermal mode when working, avoiding existing the object is stuck, burnt or reduced physical features. This system has fewer parts and maintenance work is quite simple but only a small overshoot is unpredictable consequences for your car. The cooling intensity must ensure that the parts of the engine are too hot and too cool. Therefore, failure cooling systems that are not remedied will most likely lead to destruction of important details in the engine. This is also one of the "dangerous" failures that will be very serious if not detected promptly. We would like to mention some common failures for car cooling systems.

Common diseases of cooling system

Too high coolant temperature alarms may be due to:

- Switch the cooling tank, the water tank is too dirty : The water tank includes many flat water pipes, arranged in staggered rows, in the radiator leaves. Since long time no rinsing also causes the cooling tank block to reduce the heat dissipation effect.

- Damaged blower: The blower is used to increase the speed of air flow through the radiator to increase cooling efficiency. For some reason (loose belt, stuck due to broken ball, liquid propeller .) the fan does not work, reduces the cooling effect and causes the phenomenon of boiling and hot water.

- Water pump (centrifugal pump) : In the cooling system, the water pump is responsible for supplying water to the cooling system with certain flow and pressure. If the pump is weak or due to poor driving belt, the flow and water pressure in the system will not meet the requirements.

- Blocking of thermostatic valves : Thermostatic valves work to withdraw warm running time to reduce engine wear. The working principle of the thermostatic valve is to adjust the amount of water passing through the cooling tank according to the temperature of the cooling water. When the new engine starts, the coolant temperature is low, the thermostat valve closes the cooling water line into the water tank, circulating water not through the cooling tank. When the water temperature rises to 60 o C the valve starts to gradually open to partially water through the tank, when the water temperature reaches 80 ° C, the thermostat valve fully opens the water line through the cooling tank.

- A common case is that the broken gaskets will cause the water in the cooling system to boil, leading to the heater, air and oil into the system and easily detected by the oil and foaming in the water. When this happens, you must immediately stop the engine and put the car into the nearest garage to check and fix the problem.

Modern car types today use coolant with glycon phase to raise the boiling point and freeze the point of the water. Using this coolant, the thermal stress of the components decreases and increases the efficiency of the engine. Some common water types such as Castrol coolant, T-Tech, Turbo .

If you really don't want to spend a lot of money on these unfortunate incidents, why don't you take care of it yourself and take care of it yourself? There are many people who do not realize that with just a few simple tools plus a little sweat you can fully take care and ensure the cooling system is always working well.

Take care regularly

Taking care of the cooling system will help reduce or avoid the consequences and damages caused by the incidents. To do that, you must first remember: "Absolutely not open the lid of the water tank or the water tank when the heater" and need to do the following:

- Self-check the water tank once a month, to prevent leaks, broken leaves, keep the cooling tank clean. To prevent the water tank from corroding and cooling off, use a sprinkler hose (not a pressure nozzle) with a soft bristle brush to scrub and clean the crevices between the leaves. heat.

- Pay attention to check the water pipes. It is important to ensure the condition of the conduit is always in good condition. Pay attention to the big tube near the water tank cover and the small pipes on the bottom of the tank. If you see abnormal signs such as cracks or edema, you must replace the new tube.

- Check the coolant level every time you replace the engine oil. At least every two years, the old cooling water should be completely discharged and new water is poured. Keeping the inside of the system clean will help prevent corrosion.

- Once a year, you should put the car into the garage to quickly check the cooling system.

Update 16 December 2018



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