The giant snake-like earthworm was discovered in Ecuador

The giant earthworm is about the same length as a 7-year-old child discovered in a forest in Ecuador.

When the team of scientists drove to Sumaco volcano in Ecuador, entomologist Phil Torres discovered a giant earthworm crawling through the forest path.

The team of scientists got off the bus to check on the worm and found it to be 1.2 meters long and weighed about 0.45kg. Entomologist Torres said the worm could grow to a maximum length of about 2.1m.

Picture 1 of The giant snake-like earthworm was discovered in Ecuador
Entomologist Phil Torres and the 1.2m-long worm.

To help viewers visualize the size of the worm, Torres has placed it next to an iPhone phone about 13cm long. The giant-sized creature has made the handheld device tiny.

In the video posted on YouTube, entomologist Torres also introduced the hard silk under the belly of the giant worm. They work to help it grip and control movement when crawling on the ground.

Picture 2 of The giant snake-like earthworm was discovered in Ecuador
The 13cm long iPhone becomes tiny next to the giant worm.

Without these hard silk, the worm can only move below the ground and cannot change its direction. The video ends with the giant creature moving on the ground.