Researchers from the University of Ecuador's Christian University have discovered a new, particularly noisy and growing frog in the tropical southwestern region of the country on the flanks of the Andes.

Illustration. (Source: Internet)
Biologists say the new frog, scientifically known as Engystomops puyango, lives mainly in the Puyango forest, carrying only 20 pairs of chromosomes, less than two pairs of frogs and other families.
In particular, during the reproductive period, often in the rainy season, males often gather around flooded spots and " sing loudly" to charm their partners.
Although they are only under 3cm in size, they can produce sounds of up to 80 decibels, the sound intensity is enough to deafen people.
Because of this characteristic, the farmers around the Puyango mountain often call this amphibian " frog deaf ."
Despite its small size, Ecuador is still among the 17 countries that concentrate most of its global biodiversity. This South American country owns 448 amphibian species and ranks the third in the world in terms of abundance of these animals.