The hexagonal cloud on Saturn turns yellow when the season is over

Sunlight increases when Saturn turns to summer, creating aerosols inside the hexagon cloud, causing it to turn yellow.

Sunlight increases when Saturn turns to summer, creating aerosols inside the hexagon cloud, causing it to turn yellow.

NASA's Cassini spacecraft captured the image of Saturn's northern hexagonal cloud changing from blue to yellow, CNN reported yesterday.

Picture 1 of The hexagonal cloud on Saturn turns yellow when the season is over

The hexagonal cloud on Saturn changes from green to yellow when changing seasons.(Photo: NASA).

"The color change is thought to be the result of the seasonal transition on this planet," NASA said.

Saturn has 4 seasons, each season lasts about 7 years on Earth. In its atmosphere there is photochemical smog or molecular particles. In winter, photosynthetic molecular particles cannot be produced due to lack of sunlight. They are also unable to move due to being blocked by hexagonal clouds.

" The hexagonal cloud acts as an obstacle . When there are no particles born inside, the atmosphere becomes bright and the inner area is green," Sayanagi, associate professor at Hampton University. , USA, explained.

However, Jupiter will enter the summer from May 5/2017. The particles are accumulating inside the hexagon cloud, making it turn yellow.

"After going through the fray in August 2009, the sun's light continuously shines into the polar atmosphere and aerosols are created inside the hexagonal cloud, making the atmosphere here blind." , experts at NASA said.

Update 17 December 2018



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