The idea of the new Chinese thought will be the solution for future traffic problems

A simple but very useful idea has been tested by the Chinese to prepare for the reality, to solve the traffic problem in the world's most populous country.

Hyperloop is a moving vehicle that many people expect to change the world's transportation platform in the future. Although it is very close to reality, this form of mobility is probably only suitable for long distances. Daily traffic in the city is probably still left open.

And a very simple idea that was practically given by the Chinese at the recent Beijing High Tech Exhibition.

Combining the idea of bringing public transport as a bus into practice while retaining space for personal vehicles , this "legged" bus was emphasized by the designer for its ability to transport and The degree of economic efficiency, not the speed of travel as Hyperloop.

As illustrated by the video, the wagon's width of the road surface can be up to 1,400 passengers, while the lower part of the car can help other vehicles to travel normally.

Because it is not in conflict with other vehicles, this type of bus is almost the same type of vessel, but it does not require the construction of a separate infrastructure. At the same time, to enhance efficiency, designers also use electric motors and fully-operated motors.

Actually this idea is not new. The "legged" bus was an idea given by two American architects, Lester Walker and Craig Hodgetts, in 1969. However, at the time, the bus could be outside of the building. human.

Picture 1 of The idea of the new Chinese thought will be the solution for future traffic problems
A full-function model as the design is being built in Changzhou.

But in 2016, things have changed. The project's chief engineer, Song Youzhou, said a full-function model, such as the one being built in Changzhou, China, will be tested in August.

This engineer also said that, if put into practice, this means it will cut the use of personal vehicles and thereby reduced to 800 tonnes of CO2 emissions in China per year.