The largest floating device in the world

The Prelude is 488m (more than the height of the Empire State Tower) and 74m wide.

Picture 1 of The largest floating device in the world

The Prelude will receive natural gas and turn it into liquefied petroleum gas (LNG) for Shell. Then from the Prelude will transfer liquefied gas to the transport vessels.

Prelude weighs 661,400 tons. It is expected to produce between 3.6 and 3.9 million tons of LNG each year. Its total storage capacity is 430,000 liters, equivalent to the capacity of 175 standard Olympic pools.

Gizmag reports that the Prelude will operate in a watershed 475km north-west of Broome in western Australia, with a 25-year term. It will work year-round in all weather conditions. Prelude is designed to withstand the storms thanks to the system of four special anchor groups and towers up to 93 meters high.

Gizmag said the Prelude will be launched to start producing liquefied petroleum gas by 2017. Shell's general manager, Bruce Steenson, told Reuters that after the success of the Prelude, with larger size.