The layout of eating and drinking in corona fluid

The meals of the day include 3 meals, 3 snacks, meal time no more than 3 hours apart, along with drinking water properly.

During the COVID-19 season , people need to pay more attention to the arrangement of meals during the day, as well as how to drink water scientifically, to avoid dehydration, ensure health. During this period should not diet and ensure the diversity of food at every meal.

Meals of the day will consist of 3 meals and 3 snacks. The time between meals must not exceed 3 hours. As follows:

  1. Morning: 6h30 after waking, should drink a glass of warm water 100 ml, exercise for 30 minutes, then continue to drink a glass of warm water 100 ml after exercise is completed. At 7:30 will have breakfast. Breakfast includes lean mung bean porridge and a glass of milk. At 9:30, eat an extra meal of fruits such as oranges, grapefruit . along with drinking small warm water, continuously .
  2. Lunch: 12h eat lunch. Lunch is mackerel in a tomato sauce along with a banana. At 3:00 pm, have an extra meal of yogurt with a box of 100g or a handful of nuts (peanuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, walnuts .). Drink warm, small sips of water continuously. About 5:30 pm drink a glass of warm water 100 ml, then exercise individually for 30 minutes, and continue to drink a glass of warm water 100 ml after exercise.
  3. Dinner : 7pm will start to have dinner. The dish includes roasted chicken rice with lemon leaves and fruit for dessert. 9:00 pm have a night snack as a glass of milk. Finally, drink warm water, small sips, continuously and at 10 pm, go to bed.

Picture 1 of The layout of eating and drinking in corona fluid
A meal of the day ensures meat, or fish, eggs, vegetables, and then fresh fruit for dessert.(Photo: Thanh Tam).

Besides meals, working regime, rest, eating, sleeping and sleeping need to have rules. Get enough sleep, ensuring that the daily sleep time is not less than 7 hours, avoiding staying up late. Do individual exercises, at least 30 minutes a day, moderate exercise to increase heart rate and breathing, limit participation in crowded sports groups to Avoid cross-contamination. Light sun exposure for 15 minutes a day helps the body synthesize enough vitamin D.

The right way to drink water is very important. The body needs about 2 - 2.5 liters of water from food and drink daily to make up for the loss of water through different pathways. Two-thirds of the water comes from drinks and the rest comes from other foods. This need depends on body weight, physical activity.

  1. Children aged 1 to 10 kg need an additional daily water requirement of 100 ml / kg daily.
  2. Children 11-20 kg need additional daily water needs of 1000 ml + 50ml / kg for every 10 kg of extra weight.
  3. Children> 21 kg need an additional daily water demand of 1500ml + 20 ml / kg for every 20 kg of extra weight.
  4. Adolescents (10-18 years) take 40 ml / kg of body weight / day.
  5. Adults supplemented with 35 ml / kg of body weight / day.

For example: a 40-year-old person weighs 55kg, the daily water requirement is 55 x 35 = 1925 ml / day (equivalent to 8-10 cups of water / day).

Do not let the mouth and neck dry, need to take small sips, drink slowly, drink several times a day, drink even when not thirsty. Need to drink clean water, boiled, warm drink, do not drink water boiled repeatedly, should not drink fresh water instead of filtered water. In addition, limiting beer, alcohol, and coffee because of diuretic effect increases the rate of dehydration through the kidneys.

TS BS. Nguyen Thanh Ha

Department of Gastronomic Nutrition - Central Lung Hospital

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