The man built a UFO landing site following an alien command

A Swiss man himself was instructed to build a UFO landing site that took years to build a star-shaped building.

Picture 1 of The man built a UFO landing site following an alien command
Star-shaped UFO landing.

The landing site of UFO (an unidentified flying object) ranges from white and brown rocks in the shape of an ovniport star to appear in the small town of Cachi in Salta province, Argentina, and Long Room yesterday. The building was built by the Swiss man named Werner Jaisli , who came to the area to search for aliens.

After arriving in Argentina, Jaisli shared that she had received an " extrasensory message" from aliens saying she needed to find a place to land on Earth. "They descended overhead, about 100 meters from our heads, shining light on us. The interesting thing was that the light did not affect our vision. Something passed through my brain. It was an order, through telepathy, they asked me to build an airport, " Argentine newspaper El Tribuno quoted Jaisli.

Jaisli started work immediately, creating a big star in 2008 with 36 wings and 48 meters in diameter. Jaisli also made a smaller star and it was not until 2012 that the work was completed. The building became a place to attract UFO hunters who always hoped to communicate with creatures from other worlds.