The most populous city in the world

The more developed cities pay attention to the environment.

The more developed cities pay attention to the environment.

To get a clearer picture of the world's "coolest" cities , Massachusetts Institute of Technology Senseable (MIT), the United States cooperates with the World Economic Forum (WEF) to create Treepedia , page. The web has an interactive map showing the density of crops in major global cities.

The team used information from Google Street View (Google Street View) to determine the "Green Index" , the rate of each city 's tree planting land based on aerial imagery. When launched in 2016, Treepedia has only 10 cities, but has gradually added.

Here are 19 "coolest" cities today:

Picture 1 of The most populous city in the world

19. Los Angeles, California, USA - 15.2%

Picture 2 of The most populous city in the world

18. Turin, Italy - 16.2%

Picture 3 of The most populous city in the world

17. Tel Aviv, Israel - 17.5%

Picture 4 of The most populous city in the world

16. Boston, Massachusetts, USA - 18.2%

Picture 5 of The most populous city in the world

15. Miami, Florida, USA - 19.4%

Picture 6 of The most populous city in the world

14. Toronto, Canada - 19.5%

Picture 7 of The most populous city in the world

13. Seattle, Washington, USA - 20%

Picture 8 of The most populous city in the world

12. Amsterdam, Netherlands - 20.6%

Picture 9 of The most populous city in the world

11. Geneva, Switzerland - 21.4%

Picture 10 of The most populous city in the world

10. Frankfurt, Germany - 21.5%

Picture 11 of The most populous city in the world

9. Sacramento, California, USA - 23.6%

Picture 12 of The most populous city in the world

8. Johannesburg, South Africa - 23.6%

Picture 13 of The most populous city in the world

7. Durban, South Africa - 23.7%

Picture 14 of The most populous city in the world

6. Montreal, Canada - 25.5%

Picture 15 of The most populous city in the world

5. Sydney, Australia - 25.9%

Picture 16 of The most populous city in the world

4. Vancouver, Canada - 25.9%

Picture 17 of The most populous city in the world

3. Oslo, Norway - 28.8%

Picture 18 of The most populous city in the world

2. Singapore - 29.3%

Picture 19 of The most populous city in the world

1. Tampa, Florida, USA - 36.1%

Update 18 December 2018



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