The mysterious grave is under the

Villagers in Hebei, China discovered that the rock was flowing out of blood like blood when starting a construction.

Picture 1 of The mysterious grave is under the
The stone flows out of red liquid and the ancient tomb in China.

Later, these people found beneath the stones of two tombs in almost perfect condition, believed to be from the Ming Dynasty of a nanny. Thereby, they believe that dark red liquid may have been used to preserve the tomb.

The findings were evaluated to be of great research value because for the first time this method of burying was found in Hebei, China. The villagers believed that at least one of the graves was the royal lady and the nurturing royal family of the Ming Dynasty.

According to archaeologists, the lady is Phung Thanh Phu Nhan Thi , a famous beautiful nanny of the Minh royal family, who once cultivated Thien Khai De, the 16th ruler from 1620-1627.

Although this woman's full name is not recorded in history books, she is believed to be born in Dinh Hung District, Hebei Province, China and may be buried in her hometown.

However, the authorities have not yet officially identified the identity of the person in the tomb.