The ocean floor is being torn apart off the coast of Canada

Earthquake activity off the coast of Vancouver - Canada suggests the birth of a completely new ocean crust .

According to Live Science, earlier this month, nearly 2,000 earthquakes shook an area off the coast of Canada in just one day. This could be a sign that new oceanic crust is about to be formed through a deep-sea magma rift.

Picture 1 of The ocean floor is being torn apart off the coast of Canada
The ocean floor off the coast of Canada is splitting in two - (Graphic image).

The above earthquakes do not pose a threat to humans because they are relatively small and concentrated 240km from the coast.

But it was that location - called Endeavor - that made scientists realize it was a special sign.

Endeavor is an area containing several hydrothermal vents and is located on the slopes of Mount Juan de Fuca, where the ocean floor is moving apart, but not due to subduction.

Subduction is the way two tectonic plates - pieces of the Earth's crust - slide over each other, in which one plate carries the ocean floor under another plate, causing the ocean to shrink in a large process of changing position. , the shape of oceans and continents is called "plate tectonics".

Meanwhile, in Endeavor, two tectonic plates, the Pacific plate and the Juan de Fuca plate , are separating.

The stretching of the oceanic crust between the two plates creates linear fault lines and thins the crust, allowing magma deep underground to rise.

When the magma reaches the surface, it cools and hardens, creating an entirely new ocean crust.

It seems that at Endeavor, this phenomenon occurs in cycles of about 20 years. In 2005, a series of small earthquakes occurred exactly like what happened this year.

Until now, the formation and change of the Earth's crust still remains many mysteries. This new discovery of how the ocean floor regenerates itself also provides another important piece of the puzzle.

Scientists are still monitoring to see what the process happening at Endeavor will lead to in the long run.